Friday, November 30, 2012

David Anointed King

2 Samuel 1-10

King David’s accomplishments.
  •  David kills the Amalakite who killed Saul.
  • He becomes king over the Jews or the House of Judah
  • Conquers the Philistines.
  • Israel makes David King.
  • He takes Jerusalem.
  • David follows the Lord's counsel and is blessed.
  • He leads his people with judgement and justice.    
  • Good Leader.     
 Image of the Prophet Samuel and David.

1 Chronicles 22:7-8 &  Institute Student Manual Commentary for 2 Samuel 7:1-17, 
“Why Was David Not Allowed to Build the Temple?”

David explained to Solomon that the Lord had revealed to him that he had seen too much war and bloodshed as well as shed too much blood and been a part of too much war in his life to build a temple. The Lord probably believed that there was too much violence in David's life and that that should not be incorporated with the temple.

2 Samuel 7:12-17 & 2 Samuel 7:18-29

I would feel really comfortable with life and death if the Lord had made all of these promises too me. David's posterity is promised to be blessed. I also would be really making sure that I didn't stray from his commandments.
The prophecy is one of Christ because David comes from the Savior's lineage. David says a prayer of gratitude showing that he is thankful that he came from Christ and for all of his promised blessings. He also tell the Lord how great He is. David knows where his success and happiness has come from.

Monday, November 19, 2012

“The Woman Bare a Son, and Called His Name Samson”

Judges 13-16

Image of man resting on woman's lap.
This is a compilation of possible greatness of Samson and his failings.

Promises and Blessings
 Samson was promised to begin to deliver Israel from the Philistines.
  He killed his wife and his father in law.
 The Lord promised Samson endless strength if he would agree to not cut his hair.   Samson went in unto an harlot.
Samson was given success over the Philistines, he slew a thousand men with a jawbone of a donkey.   Samson fell in love with a Philistine and lost sight of his purpose. 
The Spirit was moved upon Samson.   He betrayed his secret and broke his promise to the Lord. This gave him away to his enemy.

He killed when a Nazarite is promised not to.

Why do you think some people with so much potential make such bad decisions.
This is the hardest thing to watch as a friend, as a sibling, and as a parent. I think that maybe people with so much potential have great talents that they have never had to work for and they take them for granted. I think also probably that if you have that great potential the devil is working against you as hard as he can.
I think that sometimes these people are accepted widely by their peers and maybe thrive on that, and in order to continue being accepted by their peers they make bad decisions. I have seen people in high school in this position who just want to stand out, for good or for bad and so sometimes they go off of the deep end.
I think that in cases like Samson's he probably thought himself invincible and so he gave way to temptation. May these people don't want the pressure or just don't realize how great they can be- I think everyone is guilty of underestimating their potential.
 Judges 13:5; Numbers 6:1-9 & Institute Student Manual commentary for Judges 13:5,
“What Is a Nazarite?”
  • A Nazarite makes a vow to seperate themselves unto the Lord.
  • He seperates himself from strong drink and can never eat anything that is made from the vine tree.
  • He can not cut his hair until the day when his vow has been fulfilled unto the Lord.
  • He can not come at any dead body.
  • He can not kill others and if he does he must shave his head.
  Which of His Vows did Samson Break?
  • He enabled the Philistines to cut his hair and break his promise to the Lord.
  • He killed men.
  • He went unto dead men.
 How could you  avoid yielding to temptation in your own life?
I think that from the example of Samson something huge that we learn is that we need to stay as far AWAY from temptation and sin as possible.
He fell in love with Delilah and broke every promise to the Lord.
Something my mom always would tell me is that you will love who you date. If we stay away from temptation and sin and the line that seperates right and wrong we will make sure that we will not fall over on the wrong side.
Also always keeping our covenants and promises to the Lord will give us the strength that we need to overcome tempation IF we are keeping ourselves in holy places, praying always, and following the promptings of the Spirit.
We need to remember that none of us are the exception so we all need to follow the commandments and warnings, and to stay focused on the promises of the Lord, the potential He has given us, and our purpose on this earth.
In doing all of these things I think that we will be protected.


Friday, November 16, 2012

Choose You This Day Whom Ye Will Serve

Joshua 10:12-14 & The Institute Student Manual commentary for Joshua 10:12-14
“Did the Sun Really Stand Still in the Heavens?”

The sun didn't actually stand still. In the Book of Mormon we are taught that the earth actually moved the opposite direction in order to make it appear that the sun stood still. I think that its hard to explain a lot of things that the Lord is capable of but when you feel His hand in your life there is no denying the truth of it.
The sun standing still, or the earth changing direction because it was commanded really is nothing in comparison of the great things that are going to happen when the Savior is going to come again. There are many things in the world that can only be explained through faith.
However, this was not a contradiction to science, it only appeared to stand still because it did not set or rise.

Joshua 7-22.
Image of a large group of people.
Israel’s Successes
Joshua 8 ses an ambush takes Ai.
Joshua 9 Israel creates an alliance with the Gibeonites.
Joshua 10 Israel defeats the Amorites and their allies. The Lord fights for Israel.
Joshua 11 Joshua and Israel conquer the whole land.
Joshua 12 Two kings on the east of Jordan and 31 on the west are conquered by Israel.
Israel’s Failures.
Joshua 7: Israel is defeated by the people of Ai.
The Achan household is destroyed becasue he disobeyed the Lord.
Joshua 23-24 & the Institute Student Manual commentary for Joshua 24:1-28,
 “Choose You This Day Whom Ye Will Serve”
What do you think was the major theme of Joshua’s final address to his people? Based on the lists you created from Joshua 7-22, write a paragraph that explains why Joshua chose to deliver his final address on this particular topic.
I think that the major address was just themed around the importance of serving and relying on the Lord. From Joshua 7-22 we can see that when the Israelites were prideful they suffered failures but as soon as they learned to put their trust in the Lord they were successful in all of their doings and no one could stand against them.
Joshua learned the importance of not relying on his own strength but trusting in the Lord. He learned that when he did this all of his attempts were successful and life.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Israel Commanded to Destroy the Wicked

Deuteronomy 2-3, 7, 9, 20, 25

Deuteronomy 20:17 The Different Nations Identified By the Lord
The Hittites, the Amorites, the Canaannites, the Perizzites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites.
What the Lord Commanded Israel to Do With These Nations.
The Lord commanded Israel to utterly destroy these nations, to make no conenants with them and to have no mercy upon them.
He also commanded him that he should destroy all of the places in which they served their gods. He told him to "overthrow their altars, and break their pillars, and burn their groves with fire; and ye shall hew down the graven images of their gods, and destroy the names of them out of that place."
This reminded me of what Jesus did in the temple. Our Heavenly Father commands that we shall serve no other gods and He is punishing those who disregarded Him and all of the things that He has given them.

Why Did the Lord Command the Israelites to Utterly Destroy the Canaanites?
Deutronomy 9:4-5
Istitute Student Manual commentary for Deuteronomy 7:1-5
He commanded Israel to destroy the canaanites for their disobedience. He said that they were speaking in their HEARTS against the Lord. They were brought into the land because of righteousness but were being cast out because of wickedness.
The student manual teaches us that the groups intermarried and ignored the instruction of the Lord that their spouses would pull them away from following Him. Some acts of evil are so detrimental to society that the only way we can be cured of them is the death of the guilty party, as was the situation here. Their evil was so infectious and contaminating that sparing them would prove the downfall of society, as we see after Israel failed to follow these instructions.
    “He that is righteous is favored of God. But behold, this people had rejected every word of God, and they were ripe in iniquity” (1 Nephi 17:35).

Many of the sins found among the people living in Canaan are prevalent in today’s society.
How Do  You Think We Can Protect Ourselves From These Sins?

 I think that one commandment that would be a protection would be not to inter marry with "the other countries" that don't serve God as the Canaanites did. It is so beneficial for us to have the love and support from a spouse of things pertaining to the gospel or it is hard to remain faithful to the Lord.
Also making sure that we are folling the commandments, regularly evaluating ourselves, and doing things such as going to church and reading our scriptures to make sure that we are kept on track.
I think another big one is controlling our thoughts. Thoughts are where every action begins and they will direct our love and opinions.
We have to love the Lord with all of our might MIND and strength.

Friday, November 2, 2012

The Brazen Serpent

Numbers 21:4-9
Image of Moses with the serpant on the staff.

• What did the children of Israel do that resulted in the curse of the “fiery serpents”?
They were "speaking against God" after he had answered their prayers and protected them. They were murmering because of their lack of food and not putting their trust in the Lord.
• In what ways are people today sometimes like unto the children of Israel anciently? 
1 Nephi 17:45.
I think that often people today don't see the blessings that Lord has given them and they speak against Him looking at all of the things that they don't have and turning away from Him.
• According to Alma 33:18-22, what did the brazen serpent symbolize?
The serpent is a symbol of Jesus Christ and his atonoment.
• How does one “look to” Jesus Christ for healing?
You have faith in him that he can heal you of your sins and excersise the power of the atonement.
• Aside from physical healings, how can “looking to” the Savior heal a person in other ways?
Repenting can heal your soul and restore peace and confidence back into your life.
• Where else do people sometimes turn for healing other than the Savior?
People of the world often turnt to things like drinking and other substances to help them forget the pain.There are others who find comfort in eating, buying things, or support from loved ones.
• What are simple things in the gospel of Jesus Christ that can heal us?
The gift of the Holy Ghost. Forgiveness. Love.
• How have you experienced the healing power of the Atonement in your life?
I have felt the healing power of the Atonement many times in my own life. I think that the most common feeling of healing I have recieved through the Atonement is in my heart. I have a hard time forgiving myself for times I have fallen short and the peace that the Atonement has given to me has been so strong, genuine, and real.
I also have felt the healing power in the ability of the Savior to understand my trials. Growing up there were things that were really hard in my family that I felt like I couldn't talk to anyone about and I really felt that the power of the Atonement was able to comfort and protect me and I was able to grow from the experience.
I know it's real and has the ability to heal us all.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Clean vs. Unclean

 Leviticus 11-14                  
What Israel Could & Could Not Eat..



Beasts Who Have:
A Part in Hoof
Cloven Footed   
Chew the Cud 
All in the Water that don't have fins & scales
         From Seas & Rivers                                        

All in the Water without Fins & Scales
Every Raven, Owl, Night Hawk, Cuckow, Hawk, Little Owl, Cotmoarant, Locust,
Great Owl,
Pelican, Gier Eagle, Stork
Bald Locus Lapwing, Bat,
Gowls that Creep On All Fours
Beetle, Weasel, Mouse 
Toirtoise, Ferret, Grasshopper, Chameleon, Lizard, Snail, Mole



 Institute Manual Leviticus 11-18
 " If the dietary code is seen both symbolically and as part of a system of laws that covered all the customary acts of life, it becomes apparent how it served. God was using the diet as a teaching tool. People may forget or neglect prayer, play, work, or worship, but they seldom forget a meal. By voluntarily abstaining from certain foods or by cooking them in a special way, one made a daily, personal commitment to act in one’s faith. At every meal a formal choice was made, generating quiet self-discipline. Strength comes from living such a law, vision from understanding it. "
" Each time they got hungry they were forcibly reminded of personal identity and community bond. Indeed, they belonged to a people set apart.  "    

It's interesting because the Word of Wisdom was so strict in this time but it was a constant reminder of obedience. It was a daily commitment to follow what they were commanded to do and through that they became a people "set apart" I'm sure that it reminded them that they needed to remain just as faithful in all other aspects of their life as well. It's good for us to have those reminders and renewel of commitment to our Heavenly Father.

Word Of Wisdom Today
For the Use of Man
Grain (Staff of Life)
Beasts and Fowls Sparingly
Wholesome Herbs
Restricted From the Use of Man
Wine, Strong Drinks
Hot Drinks and Coffee

Why the Lord Commands Unclean and Clean Today

I think the reason that the Lord has the word of wisdom instituted today is because our bodies are temples and He wants us to remain clean as well as us to keep our temples clean. The things that are unclean in today's terms are unhealthy and will have detrimental affects on our body and limit our options, He gives this law to us as a protection.
I think that He uses this as a sanctification process because not only is it literally cleaning and sanctifying our bodies but it is allowing us to clean our lives through keeping and fullfilling the commandments and it's making us stronger.
By committing to keep these commandments we can be more clean in our lives, as well as through consistently using the atonement.

Friday, October 19, 2012

The Ten Commandments

Exodus 20: 3-17
Thou Shalt Have No Other Gods Before Me
Thou Shalt Not Make Unto Thee Any Graven Image
Thou Shalt Not Take The Lord Thy God's Name In Vain
Remember The Sabbath Day to Keep It Holy
Honor They Father And Thy Mother
Thou Shalt Not Kill
Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultry
Thou Shalt Not Steal
Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness Against Thy Neighbor
Thou Shalt Not Covet Anything Of They Neighbor
Matthew 22:36-40
The Lord tells us that the two great commandments are to love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all they soul, and with all thy mind.
Then second, to love thy neighbor as thyself.
He then says that all of the commandments hang on these two laws.
Thou Shalt Have No Other Gods Before Me: Love God
Thou Shalt Not Make Unto Thee Any Graven Image: Love God
Thou Shalt Not Take The Lord Thy God's Name In Vain: Love God
Remember The Sabbath Day to Keep It Holy: Love God
Honor They Father And Thy Mother: Love thy Neighbor
Thou Shalt Not Kill: Love they Neighbor
Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultry: Love the Neighbor and Love God and the precious gift he has given you.
Thou Shalt Not Steal: Love thy Neighbor
Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness Against Thy Neighbor: Love they Neighbor
Thou Shalt Not Covet Anything Of Thy Neighbor: Love thy Neighbor
The 3 commandments that I feel are most commonly neglected by the world are not COVETING anything of thy Neighbors, not having OTHER GODS, and not KEEPING THE SABBATH holy.
I think that we covet things of others with out even thinking about it. It has become just part of societal nature. We want our friends car, clothes, house, life.
Along with that anything that we revolve our lives around can be constituted as having other Gods. Things such as sports, friends, models or celebrities, clothes, excersise, even things that are good if we spend more time thinking about them than our Heavenly Father and if we determine our choices around them that is worshiping "other Gods".
Lastly, keeping the Sabbath. Rarely does it seem that a person sets asside everything of the world  (TV, homework, work, friends) for our Heavenly Father every Sunday.
Do we read our scriptures and reflect upon where our life is and should be and spend our time worshiping God and the great things he has done for us?
So how will our lives be blessed by following these commandments?
We are commanded to LABOR for 6 days and rest for 1. By following both of these parts of the commandment and not being wasteful and idle the rest of the week and resting and worshiping the Lord we will be sanctified, kept holy, and spiritually clean.  The violation of the Sabbath law indicates a kind of death- a spiritual death.
We are promised rest, temporal plenty, divine protection, and spiritual power in keeping the Sabbath Day holy.
If God is not first then everything else will be affected. Not even life itself can come before God.
We will not be favored of God if we put him second to worldly things whatever they will be. Any time the children of man put things before God the work of the Lord will be thwarted. By doing this you will lesson the power of God in your own life. Nothing besides our Heavenly Father that we are worshiping can bring us joy and by worshiping these things we will have false dependence and emptyness. The Lord is the only thing that can leave us fullfilled and bring us eternal joy.
Finally, the commandment of covetting can not be broken with out breaking all of the other commandments as well. The problem doesn't occur when we have an honest desire to better ourselves or we admire what our neighbor has it occurs when things begin to matter to much.
The person who covets may put things above God, they may desecrate the Sabbath to get gain, they may fail to sustain their father and mother in need, they may kill to get gain, he who covets his neighbors wife may commit adultery, they may steal to get gain, and they may lie to secure these material things for themselves.
We need to protect ourselves from this sin in order to strengthen ourselves against the breaking of the rest of the commandments and further condemnation.
The commandments are not set as restrictions they are the guidlines for our genuine long term happiness.
There is enough plenty in the world for all.